Bryan Peterson's Exposure Solutions The Most Common Photography Problems and How to Solve Them - Bryan Peterson

subject of exposure. Despite the massive amount of technology that has influenced
photography over the past 40-plus years, photographers still struggle with exposure. For
many, exposure continues to be all about light—and the lack of light. But in my mind, it is
a much deeper topic. While yes, it is of paramount importance that photographers
understand the simple math involved in f-stops, shutter speeds, and ISO, it’s also critical
that they understand the difference between a correct exposure and a creatively and thus
deliberately correct exposure.
subject of exposure. Despite the massive amount of technology that has influenced
photography over the past 40-plus years, photographers still struggle with exposure. For
many, exposure continues to be all about light—and the lack of light. But in my mind, it is
a much deeper topic. While yes, it is of paramount importance that photographers
understand the simple math involved in f-stops, shutter speeds, and ISO, it’s also critical
that they understand the difference between a correct exposure and a creatively and thus
deliberately correct exposure.
In this, my latest book on exposure, I present a condensed guide to conquering the most
common exposure problems. These are the confusing situations that my students and
readers have complained about for years—all clearly explained with easy-to-understand
solutions so that you can impose your creative will on any photographic scenario. As in
many of my other books, I’ve offered numerous before-and-after images that show the
correct exposure compared to the incorrect exposure. What sets this ebook apart from my
previous books, however, is a series of embedded video tutorials. These online videos
show me discussing the problems and demonstrating the solutions. You can witness the
correct exposure solutions unfolding right before your eyes!
I hope you find this book both useful and entertaining. Remember, photography is fun!
You shouldn’t be intimidated away from pursuing your creative inspiration just because an
exposure situation is a little tricky. Hopefully, with the help of this book, you can reclaim
your artistic vision and become the photographer you’ve always wanted to be, regardless
of the exposure situation thrown at you.